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Ribbon of Tutelage Ribbon of Tutelage
Description:An official ribbon to be worn on the guards unifor...
The Ribbon of Tutelage is awarded to Guardsmen that have taken a pupil from the Trainee ranks and mentored them in the ways of the Guardsman Militia. The Guardsman is responsible for their pupil in every aspect of their Militia life until such time as they are promoted to the rank of Rookie Guard.

* This ribbon is awarded to Guardsmen who have guided a new Guardsman from the rank of Trainee to Rookie Guard.
* Only Rookie Guards and above may be awarded this ribbon.
* A Guardsman wishing to participate in this Ribbon must find their own Trainee and inform Command that they are mentoring them.
* Guardsmen should be prepared to justify their role as a 'Mentor' to a Command member at any time.

This award has been given to the following guards:
A partially full list of members of the Guardsmen Militia between 1999 - 2007 can be found here.
Remember them well.

Please help us complete this list if any name is missing.