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A list of official awards, medals and ribbons which a guard can earn.
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Ribbon of Progress Ribbon of Progress
Description: An official ribbon to be worn on the guards uniform.
This particular Ribbon may only be awarded to junior ranked Guardsmen; it is given in recognition of the high standard they have upheld. Only one Ribbon will be awarded per ceremony so to receive such a distinction is a notable achievement.

* Only one Ribbon of Progress will be awarded per month and may only be given to a Trainee or Footman
* The ribbon is awarded in recognition of the high standards set by the individual
* Guardsmen may nominate Trainees & Footmen to receive this reward.

This award has been given to the following guards:
Eise Nelf
A partially full list of members of the Guardsmen Militia between 1999 - 2007 can be found here.
Remember them well.

Please help us complete this list if any name is missing.