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James Sward

Advanced character profile :

James Sward

Full name: James Sward

Known as: Sward

Rank: Rookie Beseiger

Recruitment day: 2005-02-12

Appearance: Close to 7 foot tall James is very tall and rather thin with long bandy limbs. In these limbs there is more strength and power than one might think. Flowing out of his helm is long hair that is well kept. When his helm is removed a long, clean shaven thin face is revealed with large blue eyes and large cheek bones.


Personality: James is easygoing and likes to joke about, since he joined the Besiegers he became a little more disiplined

Background: James` mother died giving birth to him, his father was murdered by wyches for his land when James was only 8. He fled from the wyches and went to Britain where he was taken in by an elderly crafter who gave him food in exchange for work and help in his shop. At the age of 18 he saw a parade of the Yew guards that he had not heard of before, he was so impressed by them and also thought they could help him gain revenge on wyches. The same day he said farewell to the old man and strode off home to Yew in search of the guardsmen militia, once in Yew he signed up and was quickley promoted from trainee to footman, once a footman he took his time on gaining the rank of rookie and on choosing to join the besiegers, which he eventually did....

Alignment: Lawful Neutral -



Quote: " Sward not sword!"



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