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Eon Evermore

Advanced character profile :

Eon Evermore

Full name: Eon Evermore

Known as: Eon Evermore

Rank: Adjudicator

Recruitment day: 0000-00-00

Appearance: Father Evermore is a frail looking old man with many wrinkles. He looks not at all strong, yet carries himself with dignity. He is rather tall and always stands straight, although he often keeps his hat pulled low and his eyes down so as to shade them from view. Father Evermore strives to keep his robes and other clothing in very clean condition. His eyes are a pale grey and have a twinkle to them that seems to say "I know your secret."

Work-description: Adjudicator Evermore is charged with the duty of rooting out those who would break the rules of his beloved Militia and those who would sin against the HigherBeing. He seeks out the tainted, the witches, and the plain evil, both in and out of the ranks. Father Evermore cares little for people other than himself, and will not stand by to listen to petty excuses for poor behaviour. He spends a great deal of time looking for these people, both personally, and with paid informers. Father Evermore moves in the shadows and sees much, some say all, that happens. Yet he is seldom seen himself.

Personality: Father Evermore is a grumpy old man, who cares not one bit for others. He has no friends, nor does he want any. He devotes himself wholeheartedly to the service of the Lord and considers his life complete in this duty. The Father seems to have a twisted sense of humor, if you would care to call it a one at all. Father Evermore seems to take pleasure in twisting words around to suit his desired meaning. He often sends Guardsmen on "secret" missions that have no real value, only to test their loyalty, and some say, to "mess with their heads." He of course would deny this to no end. More than once he has been seen smiling while an elf or witch burned at the stake.

Background: Father Evermore's past is not known. There are always rumors but those who speak them have a habit of vanishing. He was came to the Church to serve as an Advocate some years ago. The exact time is uncertain because it is assumed he was working in the shadows before he made his first public apperance. Some say he was around for years before. But this can not be proven one way or the other. What is known is that after only 3 years after his first public apperance as an Advocate, the original Adjudicator disappeard without a trace. Some say he was killed, others that he was kidnapped and is still being held in some dark hole. But what is recorded fact is that the very day after the disapperance, Advocate Evermore became Adjudicator Evermore. Skipping the normal step of Inquisitor. What this means is hard to say, for the politics of the Church are not known to the common man. But most agree it does not speak good of the chances of the first Adjudicator.

Alignment: Lawful Good -



Quote: " You will speak the truth before we are done heathen!
The Righteous shall ALWAYS prevail!
So it is Written, so it shall be!
My faith is my armor! The Light is my Sword! And with them I shall cut a path through the darkest souls!"



A partially full list of members of the Guardsmen Militia between 1999 - 2007 can be found here.
Remember them well.

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